Thursday, 5 March 2015

Let's go to the zoo!

Smiling monkeys are not friendly monkeys

I had some friends over visiting, and one of the touristy things that they mentioned they would like to do was a trip to the Singapore Zoo, which is famous world over.

As it was a weekday afternoon, there were very few people visiting, mainly traveling families, tour groups, and some Chinese tourists which proved more entertaining than the animals themselves. 

Overheard (in Mandarin):

Son: Daddy, what's that?
Dad: It's a lion!
Son: Daddy, can we eat lion?
Dad: No, we cannot eat lion.
Son: Daddy, can we eat giraffe?
Dad: No, we cannot eat giraffe.
Son: Daddy, can we eat tiger?
Dad: (pause) Well, we are not supposed to eat tiger anymore.

Also overheard in Mandarin at the crocodile enclosure:

Girl 1: Ooh, look at that HUGE crocodile! How many handbags would that make? 
Girl 2: Better to make shoes, more profit.

Overall, the visitors were well behaved, apart from a noisy group of Japanese teenagers, and an absolutely atrocious pair of German children whose parents had given up in the heat and looked decidedly miserable. 

Also, it's interesting to note the number of women who wear animal print in a trip to the zoo. [insert anthropological behaviour observation here].

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