Thursday, 29 March 2012

Life is like...

... a box of chocolates. When its empty, its time to find a new box and start the gluttony afresh.

Zürich, being the unofficial capital of Switzerland, and the home-bound ambassador of chocolate, finds itself being that chocolate box. However, as said box is coming to the end, and someone must finish the orange ganache filled specimen, it will be a while before OH and I pick up a new box to start the process anew.

It is a difficult time to get through the humdrum slog of life, before we find ourselves in new climes. I am finding it particularly difficult to get through the next 12 months before we embark on a new journey, and trips out to set up shop in the new abode and imagining our new home is proving to be difficult in maintaining the daily equilibrium. There are days when I want to turn round and say: Fuck You All.

I will however, persevere. Instead, I am savouring every last morsel of the seasons. Asparagus has taken on a new dimension, nectarines, albeit from Chile, seem to be sweeter (after the antihistamines). The hunting season, although 6 months away, promises delicate and succulent flavours from every morsel that Mother Nature yields. At that time, I will be grasping hold to OH's hand, and promising him loyalty, devotion and half of my inheritance.

All that, and more, I promise. If, and only if, he allows me the frivolity of a Céilidh band for the Gay Gordons at some point during the celebrations.

Watch this space.

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